rent apartments and houses in greater sudbury ontario
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Rent Apartments and Houses in Greater Sudbury Ontario

Sudbury, the largest city in northern Ontario, is home to more than 160,000 residents and 330 lakes. A number of smaller settlements was combined to create what is now formally called Greater Sudbury, although residents continue to refer to the region as Sudbury. There is a significant contingent of Francophones living here – about 40% of residents speak French, while the overwhelming majority at home speak English. The largest concentrations of French-speaking residents are at Valley East and Rayside-Balfour. As well, the English and Catholic programs include a French-language school board, as well as public schools.

Mining still hires some residents but the main industries now hiring Sudbury residents are health, economy, and education. Sudbury continues to have a low crime rate and houses for rent in Sudbury are still on the low end. Nearly any amenity and facility you may desire is available in Sudbury, including a small downtown center, large retail shops, and a number of suburbs, year-round festivals, and even post-secondary education at Laurentian University, Cambrian College, and the Boreal All-French College.

Average Rent Prices in Greater Sudbury, Ontario

Bedrooms Average Median Sampled
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